Genre : Pop Dance Electronic
Label : Independent
Origin : United States
Official site : > - here - <
Noise Shaft finally has the rabid opportunity to deliver its first single track review, and now it is official that it is none other than the brisk, bouncy debut delivery of Miss Myi, a Dancefloor Diva coming to make your body move in intentionally rhythmic fashion to her sonic declaration All Eyes On Us. My mission is relatively simple herein, as the song wholeheartedly relies on a four chord pop progression that packs the same capacity to carry the charisma of this style from the start line to the finish as it did from the very beginnings of risk free dancefloor entertainment. In other words, the flow of things is not a flow at all, it instead conveys the bouncy pop feel that you can safely showcase the dance moves you are comfortable with to, and that is that for an agenda, which is highly acceptable. Consider : you are armed with a beer and your most silly smile. Read on to find out more about this single.
What I like about this track is its propensity to wage a tender war on your receptors with a set of intentionally bloated-, ridiculously pink pop synths that convey the feeling of gargantuan djent guitars, only, on the opposite extreme of the imaginary sonic-rhetorics spectrum. As suggested, the song does not exhibit any urge to deviate from the four chords pop progression that equates to its relentless core, yet soberly limited ornaments are present to outline the anatomy and charisma of this simplistic, but elegant-efficient gravity well.
While the music is progressing, Miss Myi takes the opportunity to share her extroverted inner sentiments about the beauties and joys of receiving profound public attention in a dancefloor environment while occupying such a ridiculously hot body as hers is, - all this in a singing fashion - and the next logical step, not at all surprisingly, is to make a music video with hot chicks performing hot dance moves. Despite her young age, Miss Myi already has an impressive resume as a professional dancer, and this necessitates the video even more, I feel. You can try going wrong with hot chicks dancing to the camera, but you won't succeed. That stuff always sells, with or without music. Check out Miss Myi's All Eyes On Us single right here.
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This is a pretty heady review for such a obviously slamming track by an obviously up and coming beautiful star which rocks like a better ke$ha with rhythm that makes me move both on the dance floor and in the Gym. Miss Myi shows the way of the new decade of pro pop music. Definitely delivers dominance.