Genre : Classic Rock
Label : Sony
Origin : United States
Rating : 8.0 / 10
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Bruce Springsteen's Wrecking Ball, no doubt, is an immediate and strong recommendation for fans of heartfelt-, simultaneously morose and modestly optimistic rock music that is both honest and more realistic than your worst nightmare of all : physical reality. Bruce Springsteen, as always, is honest to the - oops. - bone, and his music did not change in the past 40 years at all, nor it needed to to be embraced fully and without doubt by the audience that this form of audio stimuli plays the emotional registers of with. The more I listen to this album, the more I smell of gasoline, the more boobs I have littered at the inside of my locker at the dressing room, and the more the middle class American worker I become in general. My palms are sturdy from the monkey wrench, and, while this music is playing, my surroundings smell like a pair of used socks, wherever I go and whatever I do amidst these sonic declarations. It is a fault and a pathetic misunderstanding to attempt to criticize this record beyond the boundaries of its own pseudo-aspirations, as the "aspiration" really is non-existent, as the flow of music herein is "just" a mirror reflection of the spiritual hive-pattern-, the collective psyche of the American working class, as Bruce Springsteen sees that in 2012. Read on to find out more about this contribution.
Normally, I would have given this record a 7.0 with a pretty healthy conscience, and, what eventually elevated this score upward a full category, is none other than the fact that Spingsteen's latest release is exceptionally well varied, and I dare say that it brings to the surface reverberating spiritual connotations IF listened to as a full spin. There is a good dosage of Irish folk-nonsense sprayed on many of the tracks, but, when the record decides to go - paradoxically - publicly introverted, its content weighs in as uncompromisingly honest, and the mere music bends to the will of this urge to being "just" that. And this is not something to register into mind with a dismissing hand gesture.
An artist can never be more than honest.
If I can feel these reverberating spiritual vibes during the numerous peak moments of this Bruce Springsteen delivery, - despite not even being "bo-ooorn in the USA-A" - then I'm pretty sure that an individual who is a part of the spiritual hive-entity the album is primarily directed towards, will have a supersimilar grasp unto those. Perhaps a stone-orthodox American would claim that no non-American has the capacity or right - or either - to understand this release fully. Fine. Believe that for yourself.
The album mostly is mid-tempo in temper, and Springsteen's most favored chord passages and moods are identifiable all the way through. The opening track is reminiscent to one of his - logically enough - earlier evergreens, "Dancing in the Dark", while the second song is hasty to reveal the family car-safe variant of wild west mayalish feeling the record seeks to communicate joy and optimism along. This is John Lennon's "Give Peace a Chance", only in a new pair of vintage stockings. If you listen carefully to this release - which never is a bad idea with music - you can pick up full blown western vibes hiding (?) in the shadows later on. Example : the track "We Are Alive". Cowboy mayalish. Grandma is running around in the garden with a dog attached to her ass, the kids are shooting each other with water cannons, our neighbors are having a quarrel, and we barbecue, my love.
It is the same archetype of the cultivation method of the famous-, I suppose, instinctively felt American Dream, as the fabric of the wild west must have seen hundred+ years ago whenever a new section of town has been established as result of : profit. This is a reoccurring musical method of the album, one that seeks to paint and proudly reveal the optimistic side of this middle class American perspective, and I personally think that the shape of joy revealed on this album easily rivals that of a bigass cheese burger, and, hell, that probably is more than sufficient. As long as you have work, food, beer, good TV and quality female meat to hop on at night, things are fine.
Wrecking Ball is a Bruce Springsteen release that is more occupied with giving a status report of present day America than to indulge in the rebellious ethos of the '80s, and the disc's great sense of variation easily makes this an immediate music shop trip to any Bruce Springsteen fan, but, I like it too, because, after an hour of it, it is super-refreshing to get away from it.
Rating : 8.0 / 10
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