Genre : Soft rock with massive psychedelic leanings
Label : Independet
Origin : United States
Official site : > - here - <
Dylan Rowe, former bassist of The Matches is the premier mastermind behind the Mr. Jitters project and its Multiplicity EP, a five track soft rock affair with immense psychedelic influences. The music on this disc is a rather interesting "bird" to relate to, - not so with the cover art, it is a human chin upside down with eyes painted on it - and here are the reasons for it : I personally feel the album peaks in super-strongly with the track called "The Road", a beautifully realized-, muscular, elegant soft rock piece with an easy listening anatomy, soaked in top of the food chain acoustic instrumentation. Think of Stone Sour's tender bonfire-compatible deliveries, and you will have an idea of what to expect. As soon as your inner senses are calibrated to the suggested kind of tame soft rock emotional warfare though, prepare to reshape those expectations until they show no similarities to their originators, and read on to find out why.
The other two contributions that are available as the two additional tracks to constitute the effective track palette this review is reliant upon, are less easily decipherable pieces, and it might be so that they refrain from seeking immediate appeal by conscious intent. "Hooked on you" and "Be Alright" both sound to me as deeply personal-, self-reflective circus/clown music pieces with a profoundly psychedelic character, but think "clowny-psychedelic", not "spaced-out-psychedelic." If you have a clown phobia, this release exactly is the last you want to surprise yourself with, because IT has the vibe you are horrified of. Indeed, the EP uses an LSD stamp as the flying carpet, metaphorically speaking. The realization of these two tracks are similarly quite exigent, yet the style they seek to resonate - quite efficiently - reigns beyond the confines of the comfortably expectable. This, of course, is neither an automatic hindrance, nor benefit to the fray. Mr. Jitters' Multiplicity EP has pretty good chances at affecting and leading you towards either instant appreciation, or, into instant bewilderment. Dislike is a mis-reaction, as the music is well made. Do not forget that this review is based on three tracks out of the sum total of five found on the entire album. If you visit Mr. Jitters on Facebook, you will be rewarded by various content-bonuses for a Like, and you can catch the psychedelic soft rock enterprise on tour, as well.
Check out Mr. Jitters on Facebook.
Check out the tour dates, supported by the Foxy Shamaz and Maniac ensembles.
GyZ at Bandcamp.
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