Genre : Alternative Metal
Label : Independent
Origin : United States
Rating : 9.2 / 10
Nobody steals Duke Nukem's chicks and lives, and nobody knows about this Colorado Springs based alternative metal band, which is something to be baffled about, considering the sheer melodic power of the formation's second full length delivery. The compact, musically informative YouTube video promoting this album - check it out here - is available to the public since August of 2011, and has collected 72 views to this very moment. Reality has performed an illegal operation and needs to be urgently rewritten, as this view count is unacceptably low. The sonic data on this LP is ridiculously and significantly good to regard this dire situation as passable, so this diligently nihilistic music review site Noise Shaft attempts to ease this unawareness-disease and seeks to direct all the attention it can towards this band and its latest album to date, because both the group and the LP deserve that, at the very least.
Inelements is an entity composed of two sub-entities. The first one is the band itself, and the other one is lead vocalist Steven Huckaby, who, fortunately enough, has a supremely well developed Mike Patton influence, and the whole album relentlessly reeks a pleasantly familiar Faith No More character through its favorite vocalic structures, and, through some of its primer emotional dispositions, even. Steven Huckaby has exceptional talent, his clean singing is brave, powerful, and his timber, while does not seek to mime Patton's sexily neurotic and neurotically sexy tendencies which I think people love Patton's clean singing voice for, works superbly when submits to the primordial-, anatomical traits of this approach. The name of this singing lingo mainly revolves around the huuuuuge, huge prolonged-sustained belted notes Huckaby pulls off with steady power and soul, - also totally free of the "lookicandothat!" fuckingdouchbag-factor like a deluded bathroom singer - combined with the "mere" note-passages the melodies roam through while colliding with the harmonic structures to support them from the background. Guys, let's talk about the music.
Being 9 seconds shy of 1 full hour of top of the food chain melodic stimuli, Post Stress is a thorough exploration of a dignified variant of deeply flamboyant metalcore even in the instrumental department, but, needless to say after the introduction of this review, the component that elevates this contribution well above its vastly more popular and vastly inferior peers, is the superb singing of Steve Huckaby, who reigns herein as the heart and soul of eleven strong compositions.
As for the anatomy of the music, I personally am totally humpty dory with the direction the compositions travel along, and there is only one caveat that I think is worth mentioning. This record features the metalcorish screamo methodology on frequent occasions, and I imagine that this approach is included as result of a conscious decision from the band to appeal to the angsty emo audience. The truth is though that the actual music on this record is so ripe and powerful that it reigns galaxies beyond the ultimate appeal of the retarded-ass screamo style, and the beauty herein needs not to bow down to such a vile criteria as to satisfy the cheap demands of shitsniffer screamo metalcore. But it bows down to this false, lobotomized king nevertheless, and everyone should forgive this, I think. Other than that, there is not a simple thing to whine about or form a complaint on regarding this luscious output. A very pleasant surprise from a very little known band. Inelement's Post Stress is a lush, soulfully aggressive AND very grateful record with crystal clear intents and top of the heat singing on it, and I think you need to check it out as soon as humanly possible. Or sooner.
Rating : 9.2 / 10
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