Genre : Thrash Metal
Label : AFM Records
Origin : United States
Rating : 9.0 / 10
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Texan metal act Helstar brings you thrash as authentic as electricity since 1982, and, popping this 2010 gem into your music player device is the equivalent of releasing a testament on your hide that feeds from the most rabid and restless thrash ethos - the vintage thrash ethos - that in my opinion is currently conceivable.
Helstar's 2010 LP, Glory of Chaos, as mixed martial arts notability Don Frye would say, "is like prison sex : fast, hard and violent, and there is a lot of noise." Some noises are more than they sound as first though, and the situation is only partly similar herein, because this album wastes no moment to emerge as top of the food chain vintage thrash delicacy, regardless how it has been released in 2010.
Glory of Chaos brings the structure, along with the "mere" sound of the ethos we are talking about. What you hear on this release is supremely faithful to the most mythical / popular thrash releases. Megadeth's earlier work - Killing Is My Business, Rest In Pieces - and pretty much anything I currently know from Kreator comes to mind, though it seems safe to say that the teutonic thrashers are even more aggressive in nature than Megadeth is, for most of the time. Check out track number 2, called "Pandemonium" on this Helstar release, which is extremely similar to what an early Megadeth song tends to come through as, in my opinion. If someone would say to me : "this is a lost recording of early Megadeth ", I would totally believe it!!!!exclamation mark
Helstar, as an exigent and committed keeper of an ever-rabid style others have decided to venture away from, remains faithful to this vintage thrash ethos, and exhibits doubtless capacity to deliver material that emerges as pretty much equal to the classic-, aforementioned deliveries. Read on to find out how this release works.
It works as a tight vintage thrash release, of course : mid-tempo is very rare herein, while cunning and ferocity are both permanent companions. From a musical point of view, this is good old fashioned - not a negative notion in this regard - thrash sound operating via the genre's vibrant mechanics, and the collective timber of the release has awareness enough of its own nature to not include glitter and too massive presence of anything. The elements you hear on these tracks are absolutely well defined, but they do not seek to overwhelm you by their occupied volumetric proportions, they instead seek to form an intricately fragmented wall of sound experience in which the vocals can live in a raging hell without being endangered by their direct surroundings.
As hinted, the structures of the songs are quite similar to the meta-architecture established by deliveries that to this day outline the cream of this style, and, one is free to conclude with great delight that the presence of genuine musical effort and inventiveness is ubiquitous on the LP when scrutinized from the angle of ultimate value. Glory of Chaos has a playful fabric that never trades in the legit bite for alibi-technicality, while it also shows zero interest - OK, not shows - in going for the tolerance-hook.
One interesting attribute that separates this LP from its mythic predecessors is a pronounced tendency to sport vocals that border on aggressive, melodic power metal. The lead singer finds efficient notes - relating to the harmonies - to take them across interesting arcs and lengths, and has a reoccurring agenda to go Rob Halford at a couple of exceptional occasions. The power metal component should not make you believe that the release exhibits the fabric of a thrash / power hybrid, as this is not the case. Glory of Chaos is relentlessly thrash, and the vocals merely pack more propensity to exhibit uncensored vocal melody than the genre most often cares to tolerate.
Helstar's Glory of Chaos consciously resonates from a musical field that gave birth to the original form of thrash, and this-, pretty much scientifically cultivated, unconditional faithfulness necessarily guarantees a vintage thrash metal experience that gives no place to disappoint on. An immediate-, safe recommendation for every rabid fan of the genre.
Rating : 9.0 / 10
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First of all thanks for writing this review and am glad you liked it. This release really surprised me cause they really went aggressive here unlike their predecessors. They could have gone more technical but opted not to, kept it tight and thrashy. They can really rip solos hard but also opted not to on this album. Vocals are just insane, versatile and carries the tracks unlike some other good thrash bands.
ReplyDeleteSecret surprise on this album was the track Alma Negra. That intense malevolent outburst of rawness came from nowhere. Riffs, double pedals and then some crazy ass death banshee scream. I went like wait, what? Is this Helstar? James showing how versatile he is displaying several types of metal singing. True madness starts at 1:54 mark.
Hola CaptainHonest,
ReplyDeletethese are starting to be nice blitzkrieg-reviews, your comments. :]
I'm utterly close to asking if you'd feel like writing a full review on something you'd want to.
Hola GyZ,
ReplyDeletethanks for the kind words but for now I am enjoying my visits here. The wide range of music and reviews refreshes my views and taste.
Maybe one day I would take on that offer when I stumble upon something interesting that I would like to share.
Aye Aye Capt'nn! :D