Genre : Hip Hop
Label : Independent
Origin : United States
Where to check the album out : > - here - <
The ultra-productive Mason Way remains eager and relentless at creating then heftily propagating narrative expressions about skirt-chasing in urbanistic settings. The Elite Swag Part 2 mixtape is a richly detailed monster length, a rampant synthpop/hip hop collaboration highlighted by the sonic machinations of talented guest-notability Black Kev, whose spicy soundbeds and superb sense of rhythmic non-orthodoxies compliment the playful flow of Mason Way with the exact stylistic flamboyance both required and suitable to guarantee an eventful mid-tempo experience that assumes you to be a serious hip hop aficionado and not just a regular mancunt who is molested only by midgets while not even being videotaped. Read on to know more about this.
According to my listening experiences about Mason Way and his current silence massacrist collaborators, this ensemble of thriving and truly talented hip hop prospects never made a secret about their rampant/evident fascination with all things women, boobs, racks, the magical swag of these related assets, and, while theoretically you could outrage at the rate and intensity these dudes praise the female ethos as a desirability, it really is "just" a command of the "starter-kit male-nature" to be fixated and to be intoxicated on the woman, and BY the prospect of the acceptance exercised by the woman. (Towards the male - ancientestestest game ever.) What ELSE is there worth being fixated on? Oh yes! Music is the other thing, and of course, videogames. I already have expressed my more-than-suspicion, that Mason Way and his peers all belong to the video game generation, - they are dudes in their early 20s - and their expressive language reflect the kind/type of understanding of music that is indicative of an intimate and clever knowledge of cinematic and narrative musical structures.
Mason Way is a dudette who seems to be most comfortable with mid-tempo arrangements, and this spin does not disappoint in this department. While the overall experience showcases solid structure building tactics and a layer of extra ornaments - Blacky Kev is your Papi - this particular effort also is spiced up by a couple of interesting spoken word still-moments, each capturing/portraying the everyday life of the microcummonity the mixtape has been forged in. These episodes convey a personal touch to the flow, and also serve as well telegraphed interruptions in the overall sonic fabric. At the climax of the record, even sung lines are observable, and not BAD ones, either! As noted, the album is heavily fixated on the urge to sink a dick into all consenting females preferably even sooner then that is mathematically possible, - which is a proper plan - yet Mason Way & Co. once again manage to deliver a legitimate full length dedicated to this most timeless masterplan. Well, you can't satisfy EVERY women - but you can TRY.
Check out the mixtape here.
GyZ at Bandcamp.
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