Genre : Instrumental/Experimental Melodic Mindfuckery
Origin : United States
Official Site : > - here - <
Veteran silence assassin Michael Schumacher is the prime mastermind behind the relentless sonic machinations of the diNMachine project. The disc is doing a superb job at revealing the golden traditions of ancient era experimental synth pop directives in the sense that the musical fabric you are about to be subjected to, is absolutely crowded with scientifically researched and competently presented sounds. If you have seen the "Some Kind of Monster" documentary, then you had the chance to witness The Bob Rock resonate a primordial truth: sometimes it just takes a whooooooooooooooooooole lot of work to make an album, and Schumacher and his peers are definitely coming from the exact same productional ethos. The soundscape is meticulously detailed throughout, with an epic third installment that weighs in with 17 minutes of OH!, so luscious audio-infinity. Luckily, music only is happening in the "right here", in the "right now", as it essentially is being recreated upon each playing session, and the best synth pop/experimental albums are those that immediately demand 2342342 sit-throughs to form a competent opinion. Read on to know more about this.
It is hard to maintain a Godzilla-grade libido if you are intent at galactic grade audio domination right from the beginning, yet, if your ambitions are any less than this, then how dare you even assume that your product is worthy of any sentient attention worth calling one? The disc comes across as a well focused and mostly rather brave declaration full of raw, visceral ideas and superb realization values, - it also features an analog bass lady, if this does not get you intrigued, then I don't know what to tell you, nor do I care - and its relative share of alibi-moments and polite 4/4 down-tempo pulsations are scarce enough to be regarded as forgivable occurrences even if witnessed rigorously by such a pedigree-proof arch-snob like Yours, Truly. Be prepared for the best(est) and for the worst(est) [in the context of your neighbor) because this spin definitely is one of well sculpted, attractive extremes, and the band remains true to their commitment of delivering unalloyed novelty, around 75% of the time. You know when they are serious when you find yourself being both fascinated and pleasantly intimidated by the consecutive mindfuck that is about to hunt your awareness down with reckless abandon. From a soloistic point of view, the disc, I feel, is generally more polite than the soundbeds themselves are, yet I am not inclined to regard this perceived presudo-precedent as a hindrance, because these solos certainly do a nice job of casting lights on their more fascinating homes/surroundings. But don't expect the solos to rip your mind out. Next time, Gadget. Next time!
Check out diNMachine here.
GyZ at Bandcamp.
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