Genre : Hip Hop
Label : Independent
Origin : United States
Official site : > - here - <
Invasion is fueled by a one time (?) supergroup collaboration between the three hip hop performers noted on the cover of the release. The disc sports a length most suitable to lay out a decent EP flow on, and such is the case, indeed : Invasion outlines heavily - and tastily - arpeggiated harmonic structures that reveal the musical moods of the coin op beat 'em up games of the '80s - a brilliant vibe, doubtless - delivering an almost polite-, friendly type of rapping by the contributors. The disc is pretty much free of subterfuge and intimidation, while the main base of operation the flow -ha, ha. - inspects, is sex, and the 'hoes to have it with. When sexism is portrayed through the lens of cartoon comic vibes, your only legitimate fear can not be anything else than that you might end up getting left out of it - from the cartoon sexism, not out of fear. Fear not, or do nothing else, then read on to know more about this disc.
I especially like the laid back, mellow musical character of this effort, and personally I don't mind the sexually relatively-explicit lyrics that will make your neighbor MILF give you gazes of violent astral destruction. Don't collide with her! The album is produced especially well, courtesy of a deliberate decision to refrain from any and all intimidative tendencies of the sonic domains. The disc is gentle, almost fragile, and, most primordially, efficient in its agenda to reveal a playground all three performers can deliver their most relevant pussy-related sentiments to date on. The trio has a chemistry going on - do not take the wrong idea, okay? - and the collaboration warrants a chill out hip hop session of creative integrity and tonal authenticity. It's all about the pussy, and that is why it is right.
Check out the disc - > here.
GyZ at Bandcamp.
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