Genre : Power Metal
Label : Escape
Origin : Australia
Rating : 7.5 / 10
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Australian Ilium is the power metal band that has the uppermost level of unconditional love - if there ARE levels at all for such a thing - cultivated for All Things Power Chord, but the band also brings awareness regarding the period of time a sequence of comfy harmonic chugging is worth abusing for. Ilium's Genetic Memory is the kind of nicely varied-, at heart deeply and elegantly traditional power metal with the dare and desire to wander around among epic determination and dramatic gloom, pretty much like a pinball collapses into different elements of notable character during a pinball session.
The most pronounced vibe this delivery communicates along, is a direction that keeps its eyes on the mistress of fantasy related power metal, but also caresses the knee of an almost-out-of-battery fembot under the table. The story of the eyes are more relevant this time around though. As usual. Read on to - well - read more on this decent spin, and, to know if the mistress of fantasy related power metal is aware of the fembot's knee being caressed under the table.
Ilium delivers the '80s visceral approach of doom and pathos presented in high definition, increasing its sheer enjoyability by disassembling it by just the right moments. The ensuing pattern is most often characterized by a pleasant modulation shift and a riff to ride on it, and this inventiveness is JUST enough - and also IS required - so the re-occurrence of classic dooming and pathosing truly has the potential to show their duo around with proper efficiency upon comeback. Interestingly enough, at the first spin of this delivery you might arrive at the thought that the band sounds to be perfectly content with throwing simplistic power chord arrangements around, but right when you are about to put your very best snob face on, elaborate stimuli is about to dock into the fabric, ripping the promise of your very best snob face off.
Genetic Memory is an interesting construct in this particular regard. As hinted, Ilium does not feel embarrassed about declaring super-orthodox, stone-traditional power metal chord passages, because they are aware how they - the band - will emerge with a more relevant auditory construct right when you are about to think that you have heard all in the track that is there to be heard. There is a consorting truth to be told, and this truth is that there are minor - and only minor - inconsistencies in the modulation shifts. In other words : some are cheap and shit. But the majority is truly nicely done. A similar thing can be told about the tracks themselves, as compositional constructs. They, for the most part, after assuring you that they are in love with the power chord, are able to bring you the supremely shaped Iron Maiden in a human sized gift package, and a keen intent to go for the easily accessible, yet cutely overcheesy '80s sci-fi anime vibe always reigns readied in their fabric.
The vocalist dude refrains from imitating Bruce Dickinson's mighty siren pipes, and goes instead for the Melodic Raw Animal register of Argus' Butch Balich - in theory. In reality, not many are in the position to sport throat pipes priceless enough to approximate that of Butch Balich's, and, as such, Ilium's singer sounds to be close to desperation mode amidst the waves Butch Balich is ruthlessly riding on as a Sonic God that just popped into existence, declaring the Lungs of Aural Overpower that can shatter neighboring icebergs at will. Ilium's vocalist gives a performance that is decent and whatnot, it is just that it fails to add anything - sorry about using this overused word - "special" on top of the music, though it can be done, because Butch Balich can do it.
Ilium's Genetic War is a delivery born out of pure love for the genre, also a love that sounds to be felt properly and honestly. The album, fortunately enough, does not show itself to be prone to exhibit all that much filler sections, and two and a half hand is more than enough to count elements that would have looked better on the cutting floor of the studio. A nicely done album, expressing its HD love for the cheesy pathos of the '80s.
Rating : 7.5 / 10
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